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Our Philosophy


We do not use microwaves when we cook.

If we used a microwave, we could probably make more dishes in the same amount of time. But we don't.

The microwave oven is a convenient and reliable tool when you are tired or too busy. If you need to heat the meals up in the microwave, please do so. (If you have the time, we recommend that you heat it in a pot or steamer.) We do not use them for cooking in order to minimize the damage in such cases.

*Microwaves heat food by vibrating the water molecules in the food (2.4 GHz = waves that repeat 2.45 billion times per second). It is said that the molecular structure is destroyed when struck by powerful electromagnetic waves, and their nutritional value is altered. Of course, there are different opinions. But, while steaming and baking use external energy to warm food, the heating method of the microwave oven, which does not exist in nature, is extremely unnatural, converting the energy of the food itself into frictional heat.


We do not use umami seasonings (MSG), bouillon powder, instant dashi powder, etc.

We believe that the less artificial flavor we use, the better the food tastes. It is not only for health issues. We want children to be able to enjoy the natural taste and flavor of each ingredient. Of course, we do not add any additives, either. However, if condiments in your fridge already contain additives, we will use them as they are.


Sugar is something we want to get from grains, but you know we all just love sweets! Therefore, we want to at least minimize the amount of sugar used in our cooking and reduce the total intake. We use as little white sugar as possible, as well as other sugars. Sugar and other sweeteners can drown out the natural sweetness of the ingredients. Being able to taste the natural sweetness and umami is essential in training kids' taste buds. So, we do out best to make the best use of each ingredient in our cooking.

*When making a dish that can't taste good without additional sweetness, we may use sugar if there is no alternative available. We also may use condiments that already contains sugar, such as ketchup.

with hearts

After the service, we send you a menu list specifying what can be frozen so that you can enjoy the dishes as fresh as possible. If you are fond of any of our dishes, we will also provide you with the recipe. We create simple, easy-to-make, yet delicious home-cooked meals,  and you can immediately recreate or improvise the recipes!

Our service will help you prepare meals for the following week and beyond.

Service provided in:Main island, OKINAWA

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