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お料理代行 よくあるご質問


Q. My house is a mess.....


No problem at all. No need to tidy up. We don't care what condition your house is in. Please rest and do whatever you want if you have time to clean up the house. It's OK if your kitchen is full of stuff. If there is something you don't want to be seen, just hide it, and move the dirty dishes away. That's all you have to do. Every house is tidier than Kyoko's (the service team leader who is terrible at tidying up). 

Q. Do I have to stay home throughout the service?


If it's the first time for you or for the service staff, we ask that you stay in your home. This is so that we can learn what is where in your kitchen and build trust with you. (If you have something to take care of, it's OK to temporarily leave the house during the service.) From the second visit, if you can trust us, you don't have to be at home.

Q. I don't have little kids. Is it OK to use this service?


Yes, of course. We will visit any home. However, we may decline if we feel that we can't provide satisfactory service, such as in the case of a kitchen with only one stove.

Q.What condiments do I need to prepare?


Whatever that's already in your kitchen is fine.

Basic condiments are all you need. Everything else is optional.



Salt, pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, sake (cheap sake or Awamori is OK), mirin, miso, ginger, garlic

[Better to have]

Lemon juice, ketchup, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, sesame oil, curry powder, etc.


[For a different taste]

Oyster sauce, black vinegar, balsamic vinegar, fish sauce, sweet flour paste, yuzu pepper, herbs and spices of your choice, etc.


[To add more flavor]

Sesame seeds, seaweed, dried bonito flakes, umeboshi, dried shrimps, etc.

Q. How should I spend the time during the service?


Feel free to spend your time as you like.

You can watch TV, work, exercise, chat with our staff, sleep, whatever.

Q. How much groceries should I prepare?


We recommend that you prepare  about 5 days to a week's worth of food. If you prepare less, the quantity of each dish may be smaller or the number of dishes may be smaller. We may not be able to use up all of the ingredients, so please save the unused to cook later for yourself. Please prepare whatever ingredients you want to eat or try. We could widen the variety of dishes if there are mushrooms, onions, canned tomatoes, dried foods, etc. If you don't know what to buy, please add the shopping service option, then we'll go grocery shopping for you!

Q.Can I nibble here and there?


Of course! Have a bite when it's freshly made.

Service provided in:Main island, OKINAWA

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